2013 May 23 Thursday The Posty just arrived :)
Got my first look at these new OzRail L wagons today. My first impressions were favourable. Have a look at these pictures.
My L vans came in packaging from our newest Chinese Importer, much like any other, as we would expect
Individually wrapped in plastic and sitting closely in a moulded package. All arrived intact in great condition. The top and bottom mouldings were sticky taped on all 4 sides and needed separating with a knife.
On the left a SEM kit completed and painted in the more modern red. The OzRail model is in the early brown livery, which I feel detracts a little from them particularly those that model the end of the 4 wheel era.
The larger diameter wheels lift the floor slightly. I am sure David and Chris have their reasons for the differences.
The roof heigh almost the same?
Ends Sem on left
Two roof styles of OZRail models with SEM in middle.
Axle box and springs and those large diameter wheels :)
Top View
Underneath SEM on left
Those who model true BG will like the extra room allowing opening up the gauge ;)
Happy to see the wheels looked better than the samples we saw a year or so ago.
the bars look ok to me
Yeah I'm satisfied with my purchase.
Than You Chris :D
Bugger! it blurred but I am not going back to set it up again :(
I think most will be happy but still interested to see what our members think
Rod Young