
2017_06_23 Signals?

2017_06_23 Ah forgot the new signal didn't I?

Departure Homes from Honeysuckle to Alansvale (left) or Trentham (right arm)

Amazing detail on Tony's new signal building from base to finnials on top!

illuminated as well!

 The Lop bracket received a few months back  helps to arrive trains at Honesuckle other sides of points protected by new bracket

Don't remember if I showed this new signal? It departs down trains on the main  out of Honeysuckle. It needed to be added to allow access to the Loco turntable.

Glad to see Tony returning to his signal building. However it is hardly a money making venture for him. The new bracket post took more than 12 hours to build (I suspect much more) And who could pay $60 an hour plus parts to build something so beautiful? (Just noticed the disk is hanging off (proceed) . It wont do that when a Tortoise motor is attached to it ;)


2017_06_22 trying to get back on track....

2017_06_22  Still cold, but a visit to Bunning's to get some wood and a visit from my signalling contractor is worth a mention?

After not having a heater for over a month after my air conditioner failed during power brown outs last January. Long story but I only switched it on again to heat house up when the cold weather set in, to find it had burned out the compressor. Took a month to convince Insurance Company it was a fused motor and eligible for compensation. So asit warms up from -0.02 C last night to 8.5 C at 11.00 am  with aircon set at 20C Economy. I finally feel warm at 17.4 C, after a month of 11.0C days and 8.0 C nights sitting on an electric oil panel heater,

At the same time the shed was 4.0 C just slightly warmer than my fridge which was 2.0 C


With Graeme's scenery project on the move , we decided to laminate 3mm  craft strips along edges to hold foam, plaster scenery in place. Bunnings actually supplied 2400 x 1200 sheets cut down to 200mm widths for me, enabling me to get it home in the wagon, and saving me the trouble of cutting it all up here :D All for $30. A bargain.

12 pieces of 3mm craft wood sheets  cut in 200mm strips. These will be used to form edges in particular the curved edges linking Honeysuckle to the trestle bridge and Albury yard to The Murray River bridge and on to the tunnel and around to House Creek on the lower level.

 Just adding head shunt towards House Creek, to allow Graeme to add foam

 The craft sheets will be laminated to cover edges of layout where foam ends.

The embankments glued in place and now to add foam ground level sheets and cover with towels. This in turn will be covered in the same paper plaster mix used on the other side at Bullarto wheat silos.
Then a combination of static grass weeds trees and other ground cover will finish it off.
Need to make a road. Going to try painting cork black (Graeme said)

And finally the next signal to arrive for Honeysuckle is this one. The bracket post controls movement of up  trains from Honeysuckle platform and (left to right) direct route to Alanvale  and Bowser Junction mainline access. And the other arm, trains heading to trestle bridge and Trentham