2013 Nov 5
Moving on and now the grain silo is completed, with all track circuits working, and 5 point motors installed.
Long view. Plesa ignore the mess as I just cleared the deck for the picture :)
The grain silo area is finished for now. All track circuits protected, and working just fine. Point motors installed and DCC controlled buttons assembled and waiting the cutting out of the perspex plates before being embedded into frame (cut outs)
In the long shot you might just notice the 5 ply is slightly lifted, and this one was done by clamping the ply down over top of a piece of 18 x 34 laid flat on then secured with risers as shown in next pics
Where their is a will, you usually find a way! Bending 5 ply smoothly! :D
Well I might do my shopping trip tomorrow and see if I can get some more track down when I return