2013 July 8 Monday
Sun is out... no its not... yes it is...... :)
OK the trip behind me and after thinking a lot about the layout whilst away, this is what I did today. Tried to construct this part as open frame. However it became obvious that the temporary escape road was going to prevent that from happening.
This is a rough layout of how I think the track will go. Obviously in the future the temporary points and track work will come out. I envisage replacing this with a town scene, possibly an Industrial area, so it should work out ok.
The near track is the BG (code 75) and this adjusts slightly to align with the SG (code100) loop. It appears that the temporary BG can cross using a small crossover, and to my eyes at least it looks OK and should not cause a lot of difficulties with signalling. The SG continues via points along the back wall to diverge into the temp escape. In the distance the SG loop starts and the third track is the cripple road as per 1962 VR practice.
BG parallels SG loop no.1 Road then No.2 Loop road and Cripple Road. Further over BG and SG temp escape roads.
The short Crossing works better here than the long one. Had no idea where I was going to use these. I got them in a job lot ;)
SG diverges left and crosses the BG before dividing into loop. The BG divides further back forming the crossing and the escape. The straight leg continues forward and parallels the SG around into Wodonga Station.
The SG standard loop arrangement.
Happy to return home, I guess but happier that the enthusiasm has remained
Rod Young