
2016_05_13 (part2) SDS Sill less GY's

2016_05_13    Well look at that,Steve's long awaited G and GY vehicles finally arrived.

SDS Models

Pretty model with good proportions except for  the fact that they feel light. They may be ok, almost certainly are, however the Orient Models Productions OBF weighs almost exactly the same, and does need a metal weight that is placed on the floor (neat fit) of an unloaded wagon, it is painted to hide it away. I will let you know how these go without the extra weight. 

Interestingly I started to compare the Auscision GY to the SDS one and got a fright when I saw the difference in the leaf spring suspension, but as usual Steve and the fellas at SDS got it right.. See here..  EDIT: The Auscision GY leaf springs are also correct and match the version of the GY they modeled. I did not realize the springs varied over the different series of wagons.

from SDS pages.

Love these, next pay I will buy a few more :)

2016_05_13 Home! (with goodies :)

2016_05_13 Went shopping in Albury the other day, came home empty handed apart from some insulated rail joiners and body filler from Albury Hobby shop. The Art shop had closed down, so all I did was waste time looking for it.

However I headed for Bendigo to visit Tony and one of Victoria's best hobby shops and came home with bags of goodies. Cost $55 for Diesel, but sadly Wodonga and local businesses just don't cut it, and missed out on over $500 in sales. :(

Bendigo Model Railway Shop

Home at last with three parcels. Made the mistake of going back to hobby shop on Thursday, didn't I ;)

Not much here, just some fences, cork and peco pits for the  engine shed. large gates (and "OO" large at that :(

But I did notice that SDS sill less GY's were in stock. Really nice models (more later) Got some nice coal that is very regular looking, and I will load into some of those G's and see if they look like briquettes?

 The Bendigo Art store was easy to find, unlike the Albury one, had great authorative staff and had what I needed as well.

Pity about not being able to help out the locals at home, but they don't seem to care, do they?
