
2017_12_07 No excuses now! point machines!

2017_12_07 Adding to bridges (at long last) and Point machines!

The pictures help me see that I need to fix up some of this!

Some putty to fill in the joins

 and cut some styrene out to fit on top of the piers under the rail girders to simulate a concrete cap?
Also pick out the card in red to cover the white card showing through.

The card did not come to top of capstone. Might have to cover the gap with styrene concrete strip?
forgot to brick in the edge leading to next buttress over creek.

Parcel in the mail :

I ordered a few point motors strewth..that many?

ah ok 20 servos pre built with micro switches and 20 without micro switches. Mostly packaging and brown paper balled up to fill in the spaces.

This should make things easier to set up. I thought the switches came with them, but I do have some octo switches that will work ok.
I will use these in Albury yard.