
2016_11_13. So lets plan out a steam to diesel era Loco shed.

2016_11_13  All my buildings are stored away in boxes, scores of boxes and...

 Took a short break from wiring and cleaning up this morning, and looked to the Wodonga (eh? freelance?)  Loco sheds.

Have a DCC Walthers turntable (Has that hole shrunk?)  and a nice Victorian steam / Diesel conversion round house.  Yes I know Wodonga had a brick with iron extension long shed, but hey..."its my Railway"  he he. The shed was designed and built by Stuart and Mardi of

Model Railway Buildings by Walker Models Model Train Buildings

I have a box full of bits that might dress up this rather large space, and a friend is casting some between the tracks, inspection pits.

But first I need to design the track and set it up to make it look as real as a fantasy can be.
