
2013 June 5

2013 June 5
Cold!! 4 C to 14C and a South wind off the snowfields it would seem

Not a lot happened. Got to cut out the curves and glue boards together and set up the Curves at the end of the room connecting the coal sidings into the main layout along the long wall. This is a temporary connection to Wanganella, which will eventually be removed when the layout along the west wall of the studio is completed in the future. Next job here will be to set the steady 1% gradient in place then strengthen the curved ply much the same as I did on the 270 deg. Curve between Coal "hole" and Wodonga.  Just noticed that separation between the temporary track and the permanent connection into Wodonga (uncle Bens end) may be under 10.5cm the minimum set for double stack (should anybody visit with a set)
The curves are 42'' and look nice!