
2018_06_16 Rusting Rail... Beware!

2018_06_16 Graeme shows some of his tricks (after working on Etamaogah)

Some pics show it up better than others. In real life, the change is spectacular.


2018_06_03 Building the Loco Shed #2

2018_06_03 Peter came back today to finish the shed...

It took a lot of time to find out how we should do it.  And then we found the turntable was still too low. We were out about a sleeper height. This despite the steel rule sitting flat on the rails in an earlier picture.
In the finish we laid another layer of rubber over top the hole the turntable sat in, and cut it out around the baseboard edge and sat the turntable on top. A bit of wasted time, but it worked.

As usual some pictures.

We decided that we were never going to get the posts in the middle of the building to fit into the small locating holes. Not going to happen, and we realised that we needed to lift the top off and put it back on easily.

At first I removed all the lugs on the bottom of the walls and using a straight edge snipped off the internal legs to match. Now I intended covering the floor (blue ) with black foam to simulate bitumen. However it was not low enough to allow track cleaning. But I used a center punch to uncover the location holes under the blue rubber. But it was obvious the posts were not going to line up with the holes.. So go to plan B.

So all the locating lugs are removed flush with side walls. Although they are almost perfectly in line, they still would not allow the building to sit on the base.

 oops!!  I used rail cutters to shorten posts :(  Have to do better when I shorten them one more time!

Ok picture helps. I thought the tin was going to sit outside the floor. However I can now see it doesn't.  I now intend to glue wooden pieces inside the floor in such a way as to hold the sides in position and hopefully locate the shed in its correct position. Hopefully easy to lift off and replace again.

Peter thought styrene would do the job. Went to store and found a sheet that was thick enough and large enough to cut out the concrete floor.

Stuck it down with hot glue...ouch!

Run out of paint, but looks like the old brick floor was past its used by date. Here we see a modern concrete floor being installed. I wonder if we can restore the original brick walkway at the rear of the shed? Finish floor, then glue in location wood pieces around walls and see if it is going to work?
Thank you Peter, it was a tough day, but it seems to have come together. Have a happy holiday in Darwin.


2018_06_02 Engine Shed

 Peter and I work out how to install the engine shed.

We had a floor for the loco shed, but found it impossible to line all the posts and wall studs into the holes, laser cut into floor. I must admit that I have stared at this for over a year, not yet seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

First mistake I near made was to cut the floor into rubber base. Peter pointed out tat the shed would then sit about an eighth of an inch lower than the turn table.

Now I had some code 75 Peco pits, and cut them into rubber, and then excavated the ply underneath with a chisel to allow the pits to sit flat.

I got Peter to take a shot, as sometimes I do get to help with the railway, not just hold the camera. We cut out the shapes using the depot floor as a template, with one of these  rotary tools

Almost forgot it could do this job :D

ok here is the depot floor and you can see all the post holes we had to fit posts into......  We cleaned out the pit excavations until the pit fitted into place properly.

Ok almost right. We had used a straight edge to find the correct position for the floor location allowing all tracks to line up with the middle of turntable. Gosh two heads are better than one. AL and I got so much work done, and look forward to his return, very soon now. Miss you mate :D Hope you are enjoying the sun every day, over there ;)

So finally after 6 hours of work, we got the roads all perfectly lined up and we are ready to face fitting the shed on top. Now how are we going to fit the shed into position? We really would like it to lift off and set back in position easily ??  Perhaps we could cut all the posts short and place wooden pieces inside like the carriage shed?

More soon.