
2020_10-24 Playing with Loksound

 2020_10_23 Loksound V3.5 and Loksound V4.0 testing

etting up two decoders to run properly together. Also a very heavy train hauled by two Trainorama S Class diesels up a very long 1.5% grade (46 inch radius)




2020_10_23 New Helix track work starts and more signals!

 2020_10_23  Al starts on laying out the helix track

Double standard gauge track from Indonesian points creates storage roads and an escape to other half of room which will simulate trains arriving from Junee, North of Albury.

Te first couple of meters is laid in at about 46 and 48 inches radius. (Using Tam Valley wooden track gauges)

About half the first level in.

And almost a full level in place.  free rolling rolling stock moves slowly down the 1.5% grade at a constant speed. A testimony to the fine work of Ron and Steve (from Hobsons Bay MRC) who built  this helix.

It took about 12 hours to get this far, however we modified our methods slightly and expect things to pick up a bit now.

And of course whilst Al slaved away on the helix, I continued with the rewire and connecting up the servo point motors and Tan Valley DCC switches. (singlets)


During the week McKenzie and HOLland also attended to test fit the Down home gantry signal (post 10 and 10b) and start preparations for the new  Honeysuckle down end lever frame.

Will need to adjust the track to make this work

Damn next job is to cut away all that unused wiring and attach the led dimmers!

The points for the runaround road should not be off the main line at this point Instead they will be moved to connect with the yard access near the pass cars

In the meantime, I have continued to upgrade wiring, repair rolling stock and fit sound etc slowly catching up with a lot of unfinished business.

