
2016_10_20 Break! We work in the new territories :)

2016_10_20 Al came for a visit today. So its bench work day :)

My intention was to lay a long hidden BG track absolutely level  but 70% behind the BG branch station.
But a recent visit by Roger planted a seed in my mind. Roger suggested we form a junction before the branch terminus and run all  BG trains through the station.
This meant we could install Honey suckle closer to the corner than intended, which exposed the BG main line all the way to the reverse loop at the end of the wall.
Maybe pictures will help :)

So here is the Northern end. One BG track comes off the bridge and forms a junction with BG track from the other half of room (Bowser to Peechelba?)
The extension piece increases the distance between points and allows for a longer platform.
Each module was leveled up and braces installed to screw all bits together and fix it all to the wall via the out riggers.

Al marks out the base for the modules, and checks for level.

Surprisingly it all goes together pretty easily. The bracing you can see under the modules is pulling the out riggers in square.and providing a level place to screw down the modules. (not yet done. Will need to guarantee wiring is all complete, before doing that.

 All three Honey Suckle modules plus one extra spacer in their final position. Ah, and found another mistake. The lever frame positioning, needs to be adjusted. We moved one of the struts under HoneySuckle and messed up the runners used to secure the Lever frame to layout.

Just looking at the board I need to add that will hold the new Junction
We are about ready to finish this for today. Al gets to sit down at last :) Thanks mate, we get heaps done together, don't we :)

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