
2017_04_09 Visuals? Changing the look!

2017_04_09 Kept moving on the wiring side, installing sound units, sorting out the bridges and building more walls

say it with pictures...

 Little farm off a road with a shearing shed on other side. Main road comes under the line via an old brick bridge, which appeared to be upgraded with a steel deck recently. The H Beam is large enough to sit neatly over the 12 mm ply. Nice fit between brick piers as well.

 I dulled down the plastic structure by spraying it with water and rubbing plaster all over it. I then waited for it to dry and then rubbed the plaster off with a dry cloth

When I fit the wing walls and bulk it up with foam, I will finish the brickwork off by final clean with a damp cloth. Then glue on the stone caps and it should look ok.

Walls? Graeme came for a visit Saturday. Had an enjoyable session chatting about all sorts of things, but Graeme got his corners in...

I forgot to take a picture of it finished. All the edges were plastered up, readying the job for sanding and painting.

We had a bridge to help cover the double line opening above. Unfortunately we dropped it. But it should look great blended into the back scene

Bridge  ??  try tunnel mouth  ;)

Its a concrete structure, and what makes it stand out is the marks formed by the boxing framework constructed to hold the concrete pour in place, which are quite visible on the tunnel face,

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