
2019_11_17 Can I still lay track?

2019_11_17  Putting in the new siding.

 Left hand point out and double slip to go in. Now it is not correct to have a double slip on the main, and that would most probably put a speed restriction up. I don't think VR trusted the maintenance to reach a high enough standard to keep such a complicated piece of track safe for 70 MPH. But model railways are always going to be a compromise.

 The track work here, was always a bit crappy, and so I will replace the old stuff with new, only recycling the point to the siding.

 So here is the general layout.

The rail joint was a little bit too far back, but this will work, better than to have a short bit of rail before the point.
Ok so all wires soldered on, underlay prepped, and visitors are on their way. Hopefully get back to this tonight.