
2022_02_21 Flour Mill for Albury

 2022_02_21  Posty arrived with a parcel :D

As usual some pictures

Nicely packed as promised.

Need to work out where this bit goes?

The building will turn 180 deg. of course.

Going to have to add a bit on here to place the flour mill and a silo.

Store it here till it gets to Albury.




2022_02_13 Getting rid of the brick wall (pt3)

 2022_02_13 More camouflage!

Saturday workday.

Graeme and Al arrived to do some much needed work on the railway. Whilst Al actually came to see Graeme work on the backdrops and have a catch up.

I eventually coerced him into another frustrating day, tuning point motors and wiring. Both of us helping Graeme as required.

This is the East wall and as such is much easier than the fully insulated west wall, which was producing so much heat on long summer days.

Top backdrops all cut out, just waiting for glue to dry to remove clamps and glue the long sheets into place

Starting on the bottom as well.

Cuts a lot of light out, but the back drops will protect the trains from UV damage. All LED light tubes are fitted as well,

Did not get it all glued down, however the top is all cut out and long pieces will glue in when clamps removed.

now we need to start glorious sanding and painting :(

Cheers Rod