
2014 March 7 The day we said goodbye to George!

George Bamberry RIP

Well my mate George died on Saturday and today I wanted to present you with a memorial page, the day we said our final good bye's at Melton.
I met George a few days after visiting the properties Officer at the old VR, trying to locate a disused building for Hobsons Bay Model Railway. George was a VR photographer and got details and looked me up. It was great to have a new friend on the inside at Spencer Street and George was instrumental in setting up the new club. Indeed it was sad that  Hobsons Bay in recent years failed to keep George  and many others of the originals interested, and he offered to resign. In fact our Treasurer tells me he did not resign, but elected to wait and see how things went for the future. He was looking forward to our Exhibition at Easter.
 George was part of the soul of Hobsons Bay, and it will never be the same again. Goodbye old friend....
Please visit the site addressed below, as this picture I pinched from there is only one of many you should enjoy.  it does it better than I ever could.

I believe Bernie Baker set up this head board, and that is typical of the big heart this man has too!


Thanks Lindsay Lucas for this Picture  too! But please take the time to visit this Flicker page which
Lindsay says
"A place to post images in tribute to George, his photographic & cinematographic work, recording railways and their workers around the globe.
Rod Young

1 comment:

  1. That shot of the S with Bernie Baker's tribute is GREAT, he also posted it to the Ratbags group AREDORRA . George was a great photgrapher and many of his shots are in my ext hard drive. RIP George, and see You Rod April 15th or 16th , dinner at the Cafe` in Yack :)


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